Mitigation: Reduce Emissions

Reduce our contribution to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving energy.

We are encouraging Glacier Country communities reduce their carbon footprint by:

    • Building walkable, bike friendly communities
    • Supporting construction and retrofit of energy efficient buildings and infrastructure
    • Advocating for local, sustainable agriculture
    • Promoting “reduce, reuse, recycle” by citizens, businesses and institutions
    • Promoting fuel-efficient transportation


  • CSGC covers the utility bill for the electric vehicle charging station at Whitefish Parking Garage.


  • CSGC & Zero Waste Farmer’s Market – Coordinated with organizers & vendors to require compostable serving dishes and utensils and collecting waste for compostable. This keeps food waste out of the landfill which reduces methane gas.  Farmers Market Zero Waste Report



  • CSGC helped develop the Whitefish Climate Action Plan.  The Plan provides recommendations for the city, school, and community to conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, understand climate change, and prepare for likely impacts.


  • Green building tour to demonstrate innovative construction technologies and renewable energy projects.


  • Refill not Landfill – Work with local business to designate and promote free water refill sites to replace single-use plastic bottles.


  • Plastic Recycling Whitepaper – As a follow-up to the symposium, CSGC has posted an issue paper regarding plastic recycling barriers and opportunities in the Flathead. Plastic Recycling in Montana